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  Your financial support of Seward United Methodist Church enables us to make disciples who make a difference in Seward and beyond. Donations to the General Fund support the operating and programing expenses of the congregation, covering things like salaries, utilities, and supplies. Our annual budget is approximately $450,000. Donations to the Foundation are for the endowment the proceeds of which will help fund SUMC ministries and projects for years to come. Donations to Gather and Grow help pay off the cost of the South Addition. We have about $650,000 in loans to finish paying for the project in full. Donations for other special offerings will be for designated ministry or program. Click below to donate now. Thank you for your support and generosity. 

  • Individuals Served (Food Net)


  • Worshipers Annually


  • Cups of Fellowship Coffee


  • Prayer Requests Received & Prayed For
