Our mission is to “make disciples who make a difference in Seward and beyond”. The people of Seward United Methodist Church make that difference by serving like Jesus in various ways.
Bright Beginnings Child Development Center
Our child development center has a mission to provide a loving, Christian environment that fosters individual and educational growth for each stage of a child’s development. They offer care for children 6 weeks through 12 years old and are open Monday - Friday from 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Learn more.
Faith Community Nurses
Faith Community Nurses focus on a wholistic approach to patient care; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They emphasize health promotion and illness prevention within the congregation. Faith Community Nurses serve in several roles including Health Advisor, Educator, Visitor of church members at home or in the hospital, Provider of referrals to community resources, and Provider of health screenings. All Faith Community Nurses are licensed and follow the American Nurses Association and Health Ministry Association’s “Scope and Standards of Faith Community Nursing Practice”.
Foodnet, an ecumenical initiative housed at Seward UMC, provides food to any person or family in need. There is no qualification or paperwork needed. The team simply keeps track of how many people are in the families of which food is provided for. Food is distributed in the north parking lot every Thursday between 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
United Women in Faith
The United Women in Faith are a sisterhood acting in faith to tackle the hard work of the world without hesitation. Driven by God’s love, they work to improve the lives of women, children, and youth. In addition to regular unit meetings for planning and education, the UWF assist grieving families through the planning and facilitating of luncheons, maintain a functioning and updated professional kitchen, and plan church and community-wide education and fellowship events.
Annually, the United Women in Faith host their All Church Bazaar, always the second Saturday in November. The funds raised from the bazaar, are distributed to various missions and non-profit organizations, in addition to providing Christian summer camp scholarships to children and families.
The 2023 Annual Church Bazaar provided $11,377.13 for mission funding. So far in 2024, $7,500 in funds have been distributed to:
- $2,000 - United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
- $2,000 - Released and Restored Prison Ministry, Lincoln, NE
- $1,000 - Red Bird Mission, Inc. ($500 to Dental Clinic & $500 to Food Pantry)
- $1,000 - Re-Member - Volunteer non-profit working with the Oglala Lakota Nation on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota
- $500 - Blue Valley Community Action, Seward County
- $500 - Seward Foster Friends
- $500 - Living Water Rescue Mission, York, NE
Additional funds will be distributed for youth & family summer camp scholarships and additional mission/outreach projects yet to be considered.
Community Events
Seward UMC hosts annual events at various times in the year to provide a safe, family-friendly environment, for enrichment and fun! These events include:
- Trunk or Treat - Every year on October 31 (Halloween). Our north parking lot full of decorated vehicles and booths for trunk-or-treating, while also providing crafts, cookies, and hot beverages indoors!
- Easter Egg-Stravaganza - Every year, about two weeks before Easter. Crafts, games, and snacks indoors concluding with an Easter Egg Hunt for ages 0 to 4th grade.
- Doughnuts & Coffee - Every Fourth of July we provide free coffee, juice, and doughnuts in downtown Seward, bright and early as the celebration kicks off.
Community Involvement
Seward United Methodist Church is active in our community including hosting worship on the Fourth of July at the Seward Bandshell downtown, the Festival of Carols during the Seward Christmas Festival, and participating in many ecumenical events throughout Seward County. We also provide space in our building for various community groups

Individuals Served (Food Net)
Worshipers Annually
Cups of Fellowship Coffee
Prayer Requests Received & Prayed For