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Learning About Jesus

Our mission is “to make disciples who make a difference in Seward and beyond.”  The process of making disciples involves learning about Jesus. At Seward United Methodist Church we have a variety of ways to learn about Jesus, deepen our spiritual lives, and draw closer to God for people of all ages. 

All Ages: 

In addition to weekly worship services, we offer year round and seasonal devotional materials for folks to use in their personal times of prayer and meditation. 

  • We welcome children to attend worship and include a “Children’s Time” each week. 
  • During the 2023-2024 school year, we offered a time for children to gather during the Sunday morning coffee fellowship hour with age appropriate play, games, simple crafts while being led in guided conversations about faith. This “Koinania” time was created for preschoolers through early elementary children. 
  • Sunday school is offered for older elementary students throughout the school year in seasonal units. 
  • Wednesday afternoons SUMC has a children’s fellowship time called FOCUS where K-4graders gather after school for fellowship, snacks, play, and music. 
  • Wednesday evenings SUMC provides “Godly Play” — a Montessori-style religious education class. 
  • Middle schoolers gather on Wednesday evenings for UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship). 
  • Confirmation classes are offered for 8th graders and runs from September through April. 
  • High school youth meet in “Godparent” groups. Each group has three adult leaders who journey with the students throughout high school. Groups typically meet on Wednesday evenings at the home of one of the leaders. 
  • Youth Mission Trips are offered every couple of years. 
  • Sunday school class following Sunday morning worship. 
  • Bible Study on Thursday mornings. 
  • Short term studies throughout the year. 
  • Annual Epiphany retreat. 


In addition to the opportunities listed above, we find that faith is caught as well as taught. We encourage folks to regularly attend worship where we learn much through the music we sing, the scripture that is read, and the sermons that are shared. We also hope that folks will be involved in some of the many activities and mission opportunities SUMC offers — participating in these activities is often a place where faith is caught — as we observe the kindness of folks, as we work together on a project, as we talk together. 

  • Individuals Served (Food Net)


  • Worshipers Annually


  • Cups of Fellowship Coffee


  • Prayer Requests Received & Prayed For
