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Gather & Grow Capital Campaign

The Gather and Grow Committee recently updated the fundraising progress for the South Addition building project. The total cost for the completed building project will be approximately $2.47 million dollars. After all of the generous donations received thus far and some sweat equity invested in things like landscaping, the funding gap sits at approximately $950,000. The church will have to finance the balance of the project, additional details are presented in the complete updated report.

September Update by the Numbers

  • Total Project: $2,470,000
  • Collected to Date: $1,520,000
  • Outstanding Pledges Yet to be received: $130,000
  • Long Term Loan: Approximately $950,000

With a loan of this size, repaid over 10 years, the congregation would pay approximately $379,000 in additional interest.

If an additional $50,000 can be received before the loan originates, the congregation will reduce the interest by $20,000. If an additional $100,000 can be received before the loan originates, the congregation can reduce the interest by $40,000.

Distribution of donations to date by dollar range:
  • $95,000-$110,000 * 4
  • $80,000-$95,000 * 0
  • $70,000-$80,000 * 2
  • $60,000-$70,000 * 1
  • $50,000-$60,000 * 0
  • $40,000-$50,000 * 2
  • $30,000-$40,000 * 1
  • $20,000-$29,999 * 3
  • $10,000-$19,999 * 16
  • $5,000-$9,999 * 18
  • $1,000-$4,999 * 92
  • $1-$999 * 153

The Seward United Methodist Foundation has fulfilled grants of $230,000 to date.

November 2023 Update

The Gather and Grow Fundraising Committee is happy to announce that the Gala for Gather and Grow in September raised over $84,000 toward the building project. This amount is $27,000 more than what was raised from the Gala in 2022. We want to thank those that helped plan the event and helped us the day of the Gala. We also want to thank members who gave a donation to the Gala, provided auction items, and made pies or desserts for the meal. Everything we do as a church family to reach our goal to pay off the building project, is greatly appreciated!

Our next fundraising opportunity will be early in  2024. We are planning on using Onecause again, which is an on-line bidding program, for homemade pies and possibly desserts you can give as a gift, or keep for yourself, for Valentine’s Day. More information will be coming later this year and in January. We also plan to share a video with you that will include interviews of members who are now able to access worship and fellowship much easier, with the addition to the church building.

Finally, the Gather and Grow Fundraising Committee is considering having another Gala, but only with additional help. More committee members will bring in new ideas and lead to another successful event. If you are interested in joining in on the fun, talk to a Gather and Grow Fundraising Committee member – Lori Shriner, Kiersten Hill, Jim Quist, Maggan Quist, Carla Schwan, Roy Josoff, Jr. or Leanne Josoff, or call the church office and leave a message
with Terri, one of the pastors or Wess. We can use more hands to keep the fundraising going. Thank you again for your prayers and support!



The Gather and Grow Committee

  • Individuals Served (Food Net)


  • Worshipers Annually


  • Cups of Fellowship Coffee


  • Prayer Requests Received & Prayed For
