The heart of Seward United Methodist Church is our Sunday morning worship. We gather every week to be in community together. We sing, pray, listen to Bible passages, and hear those passages explained by our minister.
We follow the church calendar and observe special church holidays like Christmas, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Good Friday, Easter, Pentecost, World Communion Sunday, All Saints Day, and others. Typically, we celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month. As United Methodists, we have an open table and welcome everyone no matter age, race, sexuality, membership status, etc. We use gluten free bread and grape juice for the communion elements. We understand communion to be a means of grace whereby people may experience the presence of God through this sacrament. Baptisms happen during Sunday worship upon request in advance as coordinated with the pastor and staff.
Worship is series based and thematic. Examples of past worship series include: parables of Jesus, symbols in our church windows, engaging all our senses, the gospel according to Dolly Parton, Minor League MVPs which looked at lesser known people from the Bible.
Since 2020, our weekly worship service is available on line as well as onsite. Past worship services are available to view on our YouTube channel.
All are welcome — wherever you are from, wherever you are headed, whomever you love, however you voted, whatever you believe, whatever you doubt, however young or old you are, whoever you are, you are welcome.
Sunday Worship Services
- 9:30am Sunday Service (also online)
- 10:45am Sunday School (Children and Adult)
Wednesday God's Squad (after school program)
God's Squad (3:30 - 5:00 p.m.)
Mid-Week Meal (5:00-6:15 p.m.)
Need a ride to worship service?
Rides are being provided for anyone who would like a ride to a Sunday worship service.
Call the church office during business hours, (402) 643-4156.
Can’t make it to Worship?
Join Us on Facebook or YouTube Live for the 9:30am Service
Missed Worship?
Watch us on Charter Cable Channel 1302 at 10:00 am Thursday and 6:00 pm the following Sunday.
Checkout our YouTube Channel.
Individuals Served (Food Net)
Worshipers Annually
Cups of Fellowship Coffee
Prayer Requests Received & Prayed For